Published: 2020-05-12

Original Articles Nephrology

The Effect of Clinical and Demographic Factors on Quality of Life in End-Stage Renal Disease. A Multicenter Cross-Sectional Study

Evangelos C. Fradelos
Abstract 1252 | PDF Downloads 505 HTML Downloads 230 XML Downloads 103

Page 1-9

Evaluation of Safety of a Newly Formulated Pirfenidone in Chronic Kidney Disease: A Non-Randomized Pilot Study in Mexican Patients

Simón A. Ojeda-Duran, Iván Lyra-Gonzalez, Alejandra Meza-Rios, Silvia Lucano-Landeros, Ana Sandoval-Rodriguez, Monica Vazquez-Del Mercado, Arturo Santos, Lucia Flores-Contreras, Juan Armendariz-Borunda
Abstract 1648 | PDF Downloads 526 HTML Downloads 404 XML Downloads 108

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Interactions between Immunosuppressive Therapy and Direct-Acting Antivirals in Kidney Transplant Recipient with Hepatitis C Infection

Paolo Carta, Federica Curci, Leonardo Caroti, Larti Aida, Lorenzo Di Maria, Lino Cirami
Abstract 909 | PDF Downloads 222 HTML Downloads 179 XML Downloads 53

Page 31-34

Review Nephrology

Therapeutic Apheresis in Glomerular Diseases after Kidney Transplantation

Maurizio Salvadori, Aris Tsalouchos
Abstract 1015 | PDF Downloads 173 HTML Downloads 1004 XML Downloads 60

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Conversion from Extended-Dose-Release Tacrolimus to Melt-Dose Tacrolimus in High Metabolizer Patients: Is the New Formulation of LPCT the Best Option for High Metabolizer Kidney Transplanted Patients?

Paolo Carta, Federica Curci, Leonardo Caroti, Larti Aida, Lorenzo Di Maria, Lino Cirami
Abstract 1040 | PDF Downloads 197 HTML Downloads 162 XML Downloads 64

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